Breaking your phone addiction in four ways

On a daily basis, smartphone owners often unlock their devices 150 times. This gives a glimpse of how breaking phone addiction is a genuine challenge. And as a generation that heavily relies on the internet for ends meet support, we are well aware of the addictive nature of mobile devices and the tremendous mental struggle it requires to reap the benefits of our cell phones without succumbing to its purposely seductive design.

In general, cell phones are beneficial and useful. One way to judge that is that you’re likely reading this useful article on your phone. We are fully aware, though, that these devices can easily turn into a burden if we give them the chance.

The question then becomes how to keep our cell phone habits in check to avoid addiction. Is there anything we can do or use to reduce our reliance on cell phones? See the following four tips

  1. Abstain from charging your phone in your bedroom

One of the most effective methods for breaking or avoiding phone addiction is not giving in to the temptation of plugging in your phone as you sleep.

Keeping your cell phone out of the bedroom will help you avoid many of the adverse impacts of using it too much. Such effects include trouble sleeping, difficulty communicating, and a decrease in your ability to be intimate with family or friends. 

  1. Try to create specific times as phone-free

If you find yourself aimlessly scrolling through your phone first thing in the morning and last thing at night, perhaps you could replace that activity with something more beneficial. 

You can try going screen-free for the first and last hour of each day to break your habit of idle scrolling. In order to unwind each day, you can develop a set of rituals to follow first thing in the morning and last thing at night. 

Resolve not to check your phone again until after you’re done with your morning routine the next day. So such routines before touching your phone could be exercising, reading a book, planning your day in your diary, reflecting, cleaning, or meditating. It may not be easy at first, but consistency and persistence to avoid or break the phone addiction will ensure you escape the negative effects. 

  1. Get rid of distractions by uninstalling apps and turning off webpages

Learn which apps are causing you to lose focus, then delete them. For example, social media apps can be very addictive. Therefore, eliminating the temptation to check platforms like Instagram and co can be very useful in breaking or avoiding phone addiction. 

For work related apps like slack or email, you may just disable notifications for a select period to reduce the notifications that prompt you to want to pick your phone.  

  1. Try to imagine that smartphones don’t exist

It’s hard to imagine, but there was once a time when phones were just phones. Change the apps on your phone to its analogue ancestors to cut down on your screen time. Instead of relying on your mobile phone as a clock, you should get a real alarm clock or a watch. 

Get your iPod charged up and go for a run without your phone. Taking a break from internet interaction is refreshing. And taking a break from your smartphones is even more interesting. 

Final thoughts on breaking phone addiction

In a nutshell, breaking your phone addiction and reducing its usage has great benefits. It lets you experience reduced stress and anxiety; enhanced focus and productivity; more free time; more meaningful relationships; enhanced critical reasoning and inventiveness; increased awareness, and other health benefits.

from TechCabal
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