Questioning Terminologies For Students
Today we will be looking into questioning terminologies for students , various methods to answer question as we will be going into the article devote your time and read it very well and put it in action I bet it will help with your academic performance , helps you in answering questions in anyway questions can be give to you
What is Questioning Terminologies ?
Is the ability to interpret question correctly is a prerequisite for passing an examination. If you cannot understand a question , how can you give the correct response ? For example, if you juxtapose when asked to delineate, you will be scored negatively. Misinterpretation of questions is definitely the straightest route to resounding failure.The following keywords are used to frame questions and a better understanding of them gives you the needed edge.
When asked to…. You are expected to…..
ĂŻAdvise>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Gives personal opinion
Agree>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Show why you consent to the point
Amplify >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Expand the statement
Appraise >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Show importance
Assess >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Weight the advantages and disadvantages
Clarify >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Give the details of your understanding
Classify >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Group into classes with common features
Comment >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Give your opinions
Compare >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Show similarities and common features
Contrast >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Show differences
Consider >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Decide your stand
Criticize >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Make judgment showing the good and bad
Define >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Give simplified but comprehensive meaning
Delineate >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Describe from your own perspective
Demonstrate >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Prove with instances
Describe >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Explain the outlook
Differentiate >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Show differences
Discuss >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Say what you know
Distinguish >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Show differences
Elucidate >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Clarify with instances and examples
Enumerate >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> List and explain points concisely
Evaluate >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sow how important it is
Examine >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Investigate into detail
Explain >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Give clear accounts
Factorize >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brings out facts that result to the answer
Identify >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Name and give reasons
Interpret >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Give meanings base on evidence
Justify >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Give reason whether you agree or disagree
Juxtapose >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> compare with evidence
List >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Name the item(s)
Highlight >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Extract facts that represent the whole
Review >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Look at something critically
Revise >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Give updated version or opinion
Narrate >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Give accounts
Outline >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Give the main idea
Prove >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> give idea of the validity of statement
Select >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Discriminate from others
Approve >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Give reason for accepting or rejecting
Simplify >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Reduce it to the simplest form
State >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> List point and explain
Summarize >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Show only the main point
Sugest >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> State your view
Trace >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Recount back to the source\origin
Validate >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Prove the authenticity of a statement
So with this I think you will be able to sort out any question concerning this and always subscribe for our daily updates and follow us on twitter , like our facebook page & follow on google+
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